Volume 20 Issue 1 Editorial


  • Chikodi J Anyanwu Editor in Chief


The Special Educator is the ofcial annual publication of the Nigeria Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET). This volume 20 number 1 of 2021 Edition, is made up of 29 articles edited and accepted for publication. These articles are sourced from papers presented at the 2021 annual conference of the Association. This current edition contains both theoretical and empirical articles on topical issues in special and inclusive education. Some articles presented in this journal, addressed, COVID 19 aftermath in relation to best classroom practices for learners with special needs in the inclusive setting. Contents of this document are useful in the hands of policy makers, parents, teachers, pressure groups and other stakeholders in the education of persons with special education needs. They are presented in simple language for the benefit of all readers, who are interested in breaking barriers to the education, economic development and general adjustment of persons with special needs. Currently 15 articles were rejected due to failure of contributors to conform to laid down guidelines and standard practices in writing. Future contributors are encouraged to adhere strictly to the journal publication guidelines to avoid rejection of articles. On behalf of the editorial board, I wish to specially appreciate authors for their scholarly contributions and insightful recommendations.

Thank you.

Dr Chikodi J.Anyanwu
Editor in Chief.




How to Cite

Anyanwu, C. J. (2021). Volume 20 Issue 1 Editorial. The Special Educator, 20(1), i-vii. Retrieved from https://tspeducator.com/index.php/TSE/article/view/3